Outback Finance
Outback Finance is an autos taking protocol that is engineered to provide easier staking. Instead of staking on a dApp, Outback Finance allows users to receive a rebase on their tokens directly to their wallet! The APY for Outback Finance is set at a permanent 300,000% per year. With most generic staking protocols, APY fluctuates in coordination with the number of users that are staking. This means that in basic staking protocols, the APY can change drastically by whale movements. With Outback Finance, users will receive an APY of 300,000% despite the total amount staked from all other users. This equates to a daily ROI of 2.2%! The highest for any auto staking protocol on Fantom!
What is the Goal of Outback Finance?
The main priority of Outback Finance is to provide a long-term store of value for users and to return a high intrinsic value to all users of the protocol. Through the steady APY and a large treasury, the Outback Finance team aims to bring value to our investors beyond the $ROO token. Through steady, sustainable strategies, the Outback team aims to create value for investors in both the Fantom Ecosystem and the DeFi space as a whole.
Who is the new team behind Outback Finance?
Outback Finance has been acquired by the founders of Degen Finance and they are as follows: Tim Malcolm: Doxxed TV Star personality with over 400k following on social platforms. LB: Owner and founder of Grape Finance, one of the oldest and most successful tomb forks on AVAX. KYC'd and Trusted Dev. dNNar0L: Well known dev in the tomb fork space of legit projects like Degen Finance, Brr Finance and Rocket Finance, also KYCd and Trusted.
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